62 m³powder tank wagon Uacs (F42)

The powder tank wagon is suitable for transporting:

  • cement, limestone dust, powderized lime, gypsum, fly-ash,
  • soda-ash, dried sand, feldspar, iron sulphate, lead oxide,
  • natural and synthetic zeolite, alumina, perlite,
  • and any other dry powders or close-grained granulates.


What to know about loading in and discharging the powder materials:

  • The discharge time of the wagon is 50-100 minutes depending on the characteristics of the transported material and the place of discharge.
  • The connection points of the discharge pipes are located on two sides of the wagon, at the bottom.
  • The  material delivery pipe must be connected separately to each tank.
  • The wagon is equipped with butterfly valves.
  • The loading proceeds by way of gravitation; the diameter of the loading holes is 500 mm, their height measured from the rail crown is approximately 4300 mm.



Two sides, with bottom discharge Data sheet Discharging instructions

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